The MSCB Garage Sale  Hit Counter
The Middle Spunk Creek Boys . . . Bluegrass Music since 1968

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We have some old PA gear for sale, and also some band members may have something here from time to time.

Contents: PA Equipment
CDs & Miscellaneous Stuff

homepagebutton.gif (3810 bytes)   Also see our "General Store" for Middle Spunk Creek Boys souvenir items.

PA Equipment           homepagebutton.gif (3810 bytes)
Altec Model 1214 Control Console

This was "The PA" for a decade or more, and has been played through by most of the best acoustic musicians in or passing through the Twin Cities area. (You can see it on the back cover of our first album recorded in 1976.)   Six channels, Low Z and Hi Z inputs, spring reverb. Fully broken in! $50. (Email @BruceEmail.jpg (3750 bytes)We will NOT ship this!

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(Click on the picture for a set of larger images)

"UnknownCorp" Monitors

One pair of 12" monitor speakers, manufacturer unknown. Pre-scratched and dented and scraped and abused, to save you the trouble! $50 for the pair. (Email @BruceEmail.jpg (3750 bytes)) We will NOT ship these!

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Microphones (Email @BruceEmail.jpg (3750 bytes))

(Click on the picture for a larger image)

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Shure PE-35H Microphone
Inexpensive Hi-Z microphone, with cord

Click for larger picture

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AKG D 1000 E
200 ohm with B M S switch.
This was Barry's banjo mike for years
$30  works great, looks "used"
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Shure Unisphere I Model 565
Poor-man's SM58. We have three, all with their special cords.
$35 each  all look "used," unlike this official Shure photo.
Click for larger image


We've run out of the cheap or broken microphones that we were giving away to purchasers of our albums on If any veteran bands have a bunch of such stuff they want to get rid of, please email Bruce. We make no money at it, but do get exposure.
Instruments           homepagebutton.gif (3810 bytes)
Stewart-MacDonald Banjo
($2500. Email @MarkEmail.jpg (3236 bytes))

Stewart-Mac_Banjo_front_thumb.jpg (13797 bytes)      Stewart-Mac_Banjo_back_thumb.jpg (11812 bytes)

(Click on the above for larger images)

CDs & Miscellaneous Stuff           homepagebutton.gif (3810 bytes)
MBOTMA "Minnesota Album"CD
Minnesota Bluegrass and Old Time Music Association's first compillation album of bands in the Minnesota area.
(An unopened spare copy--we have a song on it. Also includes Stoney Lonesome and a great song "Alone and Sory in Wisconsin" by a wonderful band called Cousin Dad.) Click for song list.)

  Email @BruceEmail.jpg (3750 bytes)
(Click for larger image)


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